Sunday, June 16, 2013

It’s Sunday and I’m taking it definitely as a day of rest but I took yesterday as a day of rest as well. I’m battling either allergies or a cold and it has me pretty drained. It seemed to get kicked up Thursday evening after the rain which is why I suspect allergies. Most of yesterday was spent napping off and on and reading one of the used books I brought. I’m thinking I didn’t bring enough books to read.

Today after breakfast, I took a walk down to the beach. It’s about a mile and I thought that since it was morning it wouldn’t be so hot. I was wrong. By the time my friend, Kelsey and I got back from our walk, I was drenched in sweat.

The beach was very pretty though, with lots of palm trees and big fishing boats pulled up on the shore.

Monday I will be traveling to Senya to take pictures for Challenging Heights of a program they will be leading. I’m not sure how long a drive it is from Winneba but I’m being picked up at 8 am.
Here are some more general pictures which I posted on Facebook.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome that you got to experience all of this Linda! Very good posts and pictures.
